Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life? Perhaps like an emptiness that seems to come and go, or a constant feeling of void? Well don’t take this as a surprise, but it is actually normal to feel that way at times, being that the Bible says that God has set eternity in the heart of man so that we cannot find out the work that God has done from the beginning to the end.
One of these works that God is doing involves His church which He has been establishing in a very personal yet mysterious way. God considers us very special and peculiar people. He has gifted us with several unique abilities and has given us important responsibilities to be diligent towards during our short time here on earth. Being actively involved in a Bible-believing church causes the church to function as a lighthouse to the community with the hopes of drawing people to it to hear the gospel message and coming to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This is how the kingdom of God advances.
There are of course several other ways that God’s kingdom work can happen such as by prayer, serving in a church ministry, missions support, community outreach and many others. Find out how you can help advance God’s wonderful Kingdom work.